Students will show proficiency with graphite as a medium.
Students will explore abstraction using previously created imagery.
Students will demonstrate competency with compositional arrangement.
1 Old drawing from your portfolio, Vine Charcoal, Compressed charcoal, 1 sheet of drawing paper, chamois, scissors, erasers, etc…
- IN CLASS: Begin by cutting or tearing your drawing into 4-6 sections of various shapes and sizes.
- IN CLASS: Exchange 1 piece of your drawing with the person on your left. Exchange another piece of your drawing with the person on your right.
- Spend time arranging and rearranging the cut/torn sections into a new composition that is approximately the same size as your original drawings. Experiment with overlapping, cutting the sections into smaller sizes, etc…Record your variety of arrangements in a series of 5-10 small sketches on newsprint paper.
- Once you have reached an interesting composition tape the torn elements together and begin transferring (re-drawing) your composition lightly onto a new sheet of drawing paper.
- From this new sketch develop a finished drawing that incorporates a dynamic use of line weight, eraser marks and use of value through the use of your compressed charcoal.