Assignment Objectives
You will create a drawing that:
- Fully explores value, surface texture, mark-making and composition in ink and pen.
- Reflects the conceptual and literal contrast of interior and exterior in an interesting manner.
Assignment Description / Instructions
For this assignment you will be creating a composition based on the idea of contrasting an object’s interior contents with its exterior shell. Examples of subject matter might be one of the following: a purse, a fruit or vegetable, a toolbox, a refrigerator, a car, a backpack, a body, etc… Think broadly about this subject matter and brainstorm several ideas. Create your composition with via collaged imagery and/or photography Photograph your composition for reference during the development of your drawing.
Your final composition should be no smaller than 16”x20” and no larger than 18”x24.” Lightly sketch your composition on a full sheet of paper in graphite and trim your final drawing to when it is complete for presentation.
With an ink pen and variable sized nibs, build up the values and textures in your composition with a mark-making method of your choice—hatching, cross hatching, scribbled lines, etc… Your drawing marks should be short, repetitive and use a hatching-like technique to build areas of value and establish a sense of volume in your composition. Remember that this is an ADDITIVE process. Sequence your drawing to find all of the middle tones first and proceed to build the darkest areas slowly.

Specific Material Requirements
Drawing paper (18”x24”)
Black India ink
Ink pen & nibs
Small jar(s) with lids
*Remember to avoid outlining objects with solid contour lines. Use broken lines instead.
*Start your drawing with diluted ink! Dip the pen tip into 100% ink, blot, then dip into water, blot, then draw.