Learning Objectives
Students will demonstrate ability to draw from observation while using continuous contour to describe form.
Students will display proficiency in compositional design.
Size—18”x24” Drawing paper—available in class (NO NEWSPRINT PLEASE)
Media—Graphite pencils (H or HB) + erasers + black fine Sharpie or Micron pen
For this assignment you will complete 1 detailed modified contour line drawing of yourself and your environment—from observation. No use of photos is allowed!
Draw with a singular descriptive contour line and emphasize the unique contours around and across each form you draw. Work slowly and attentively to avoid creating a generic or oversimplified representation. Some distortion and exaggeration is ok but do your best to mark the contours that describe volume around each form you draw. Begin lightly with pencil and make corrections with an eraser as you go. Use an ink pen or black, fine-point Sharpie at the end to make your drawing stand out. Be sure to fill the rest of the page with details from your environment!
What to avoid
-Don’t use a rapidly applied sketching line
-Don’t oversimplify your features—drawing what you see, not what you think you see.
-Don’t fill in or shade any areas
-Don’t forget to add your background environment!
Project tips
-Find a creative placement for your mirror to capture you and your background environment
-Use strong lighting to create bold shadows on your face and clothing. Follow these borders with contour lines on your drawing.
-Description & details!!! Get into it!
Notes and Examples
Contour Line
“A line that delineates both the outside edge of an object and the edges of planes, as opposed to outline, which delineates only the outside edge.”
– Drawing A Contemporary Approach

Blind Continuous Contour Drawing:
- Nope, you can’t look at your paper while drawing
- Slow and continuous singular line
- Follow outer edges of form + borders of light and shadow that describe the surace contours
- Be as descriptive as possible! Note subtle changes that define edges, textures, volume and form
- You should feel “lost” in the process

Contemporary Artist
Alison Kunath

Modified Continuous Contour Drawing
- Yes, you can look at your paper while drawing, but expect distortion
- Slow and continuous singular line
- Follow outer edges of form + borders of light and shadow that describe the surface contours
- Be as descriptive as possible! Note subtle changes that define edges, textures, volume and form
- You should feel “lost” in the process

Capstone Project Examples
Self portrait with your environment